Project Follow On is a community of military veterans and first-responders with a Christian worldview who are committed to helping one another discover God’s unique purpose for each of their lives. Our next mission is out there, but it is not something we conquer on our own accord. God has a “Follow On” objective for each of us. To accomplish this, we must align our lives with the purposes given to us by our creator, Jesus Christ, through His eternal Word. Men must know the truth of God’s Word, and when they do, they will be set free from the bondage of sin and prepared to lead well in their homes, workplace, and all other spheres of influence. We strive to be a faithful resource for biblical truth that permeates every aspect of your life. The war is not coming, it is already here. Are you equipped physically, mentally, and spiritually to fulfill God’s purpose in your life? Do you have a warrior mindset when it comes to living out your Christian faith? This project exists to support you in going on the offense against a relentless and cunning enemy. We want to help you aggressively battle sin, be a fiercely passionate husband and father, and carry the banner of Christ onto the next objective in your life – all to the glory of God. We hope you will unite with us in this mission, and we’ll see you on the high ground!

About Our Logo

Men were never meant to fight alone. Isolation is one of the primary tools the devil uses to thwart men in their battle against sin and the evils of this world. The three warriors in our logo represent a brotherhood, a community of like-minded believers, who stand shoulder to shoulder and face the enemy head on. When Israel defeats Amalek at Rephidim, Aaron and Hur come alongside Moses and, “held up his hands, one on one side, and the other on the other side…” so that Joshua would have victory in the name of the LORD (Ex. 17:8-16). These men fought together, with a united purpose. There is no place for the lone Ranger in the battle against evil (1 Pet. 5:8-9). Don’t be a soft target. Standing shoulder to shoulder, and through the power of God, we will take the fight to the enemy. We will KNOW God’s Word and diligently apply it to all aspects of our lives. Join the brotherhood and continue to gather the tools necessary to be equipped for this life-long battle. 

Travis Thompson, Founder

Travis Thompson is first and foremost a born-again, Bible-believing Christian. He is dedicated to a life of service in the name of Jesus Christ and building the Kingdom of God through the proclamation of the gospel to the nations. He loves biblical theology and is a diligent student of God’s Word (the 66 books of the Old & New Testament). He has been joyfully married to his lovely wife for 10 years and has four beautiful children.

Travis is a former U.S. Army Infantry Officer and Airborne-Ranger, with 9 years of honorable service. Through God’s providence he transitioned out of the Army to pursue entrepreneurship, business ownership, and theological studies. He is currently in his final semester of a Masters degree in Applied Theology from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and is pursuing biblical counseling certification through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.


Do I need to be a veteran or first-responder to join the mission?

No. This is a training ground for all Christian men who are equipping themselves for the battle against the evils of this world. The emphasis on veterans and first-responders is a starting point due to our own life experiences and a desire to bring a warrior mindset to the Christian community. 

What is your Statement of Faith? 

We are committed to the teaching of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as written in the Holy Scriptures, the 66 books of the Old and New Testament. Our leadership team holds to the Articles of Faith as found in “The Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (1689).” 

Do you do offer one-on-one training or counseling? 

We currently do not offer any one-on-one counseling. One of our main objectives is to grow Project Follow On to a point where we can staff full-time certified biblical counselors and various other applicable trainers to meet this need. We believe this is a realistic goal by 2027. We also have a vision for men’s conferences & retreat programs that promote the warrior mindset in the Christian community and seek to “equip our nation’s greatest warriors with God’s greatest weapon.”